16 верасня 2006

Typical feminist behavior

Ann Althouse says that she doesn't find Jessica interesting. Lenin comments:

Jessica might not be interesting, but talking about her boobs is interesting.

The boobs is exactly what Jessica wants everyone to talk about, and while her boobs are not particularly interesting, it is interesting that Jessica denies wanting everyone to talk about them, screaming "No! I want everybody to talk about how smart I am!" - which is not very smart, but kinda interesting.

The boobs is exactly what Jessica wants everyone to talk about, and while her boobs are not particularly interesting, it is interesting that Jessica denies wanting everyone to talk about them, screaming "No! I want everybody to talk about how smart I am!" - which is not very smart, but kinda interesting.

The typical pussywhipped kiss-ass response, of course is: "No, no, it's not because of your boobs that we like you! It's because you're so smart! You're a princess, and anyone who says otherwise is an ASSHOLE!" God bless Ann Althouse for starting this.

Feminism is a great way to talk about sex while pretending it's not funny. "The real question is: Is it possible to laugh while fucking?" - Frank Zappa


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